Do you need chemically resistant coatings?


Several of our paints can be used to coat concrete (mineral) surfaces. It is always necessary to know the specific purpose of use and to have a properly prepared substrate. The substrate must be dry, clean, cohesive, matured, free from all coarse dirt and oil or other grease residues and, above all, dry and insulated against penetration of bottom moisture. Caution should be taken with specially treated and smoothed surfaces (“levelling screeds, gouging”, etc.). Here it is necessary to verify the adhesion of the paint and, if necessary, to roughen, e.g. by grinding.

What to use for resistant coatings of concrete floors, plinths, tanks, but also other building materials (without direct exposure to UV radiation)?
EPAX S2381 serves for the treatment of concrete and other building materials to protect against a number of adverse effects (various chemicals, water, mechanical stress, etc.). EPAX S2381 – epoxy two-component glossy top coat also has an anti-slip finish. The application is usually done in three steps – 1x penetration coating by EPAX hardened by S7307 and thinned 15-20% of S6300 thinner followed by 1-2x EPAX thinned according to the application. The choice of shade depends on the customer’s requirement – tinting on a PTA industrial machine or PROFI II series in TSCL.

How to paint a concrete pool or water tank?
For coating concrete pools, swimming pools and water tanks, TREXON POOL H2203 is used. Through dry paint film (at least 10 days after deposition of the last layer) protects the substrate concrete or metal, from the effects of water. For a new concrete coating (dry, clean, matured, cohesive), the first step is the 1x penetration coat H2203 thinned up to 1:1 by H6000 followed by 2-3x conventional H2203 coating.

What to use for chemically resistant coatings of mineral (concrete) floors, skirting boards or collecting tanks.
TREXON EMAIL H2001 is used for coating of concrete surfaces as well as metal elements or structures. For a concrete coating (dry, clean, matured, cohesive), the first step is the 1x penetration priming coat H2003 or directly H2001 thinned up to 1:1 by H6000 followed by 3x conventional H2001 coating. For the protection of metals, it is necessary to use a suitable anticorrosive primer first, e. g. SYNOREX EXTRA S2003 or and subsequently at least 3 common layers of TREXON EMAIL. Through dry paint film (at least 7 days after deposition of the last layer) protects the substrate concrete or metal, from the effects of selected substances and chemicals.